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Black Cohosh Extract

Assay: Triterpene glycosides 2.5%
Source: Cimicifuga Romose L.
Appearance: Brown Powder

The primary use of black cohosh extract is for alleviation of menopausal symptoms.

The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology guidelines on the use of botanicals for the management of menopausal symptoms support this use for up to six months, especially in treating the symptoms of sleep and mood disturbance, and hot flushes.
As with other herbal medicines believed to have potential estrogenic effects, there has been a concern about the safety of black cohosh in women with a personal history or strong family history of breast cancer.
Black cohosh also has been used to treat dysmenorrhea and is recommended for this indication by the German Commission E,8 which establishes guidelines for the proper use of herbs in Germany.

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